Home-School Connections (HSC)

Learn Directly What Families Know and Do

Parent-Teacher Discussion Groups

In Parent-Teacher Discussion groups, teachers “gave over the floor” to parents, which over time led to non-hierarchical discussions about culture and context.

Discussion Topic: School Readiness

Discussion Topic: School Readiness

Teachers allowed space for parents to share what they do to support their children’s readiness for school.

Discussion Topic: SoupmIngredients

Discussion Topic: Soup Ingredients

Recognizing connections across each other’s unique cultural contexts, parents and teachers shared recipes for soups they make in their home (or for their families).  This led to curriculum around states of matter.

Discussion Topic: Parent Engagement

Immigrant parents talked with Head Start teachers (some of whom were immigrants themselves) about barriers they experienced in participating in their children’s education.

Discussion Topic: Affection

Chinese immigrant parents and teachers talked about their cultural perspectives on public displays of affection with children contrasted with Western norms.