Structure & Function

Block Exploration is a Good Start Activity that was launched in each classroom. Young children naturally want to build tall structures. However, standing the tallest blocks on the shortest side produces unstable structures that fall down. Teachers explore the idea of creating stable structures. Then children demonstrate the concept of how to build a stable vs. unstable structure. These experiences reinforce children’s understanding of the relationship between structure and function.

Defining the Problem

Defining the Problem

Notice this tall structure (built with the longest blocks standing on the shortest side) is about to fall down.

Defining the Problem

Defining the Problem

Children are attempting to build a tall bridge with long blocks standing on the shortest side. This activity proved unsuccessful as the blocks continued to fall over.

Teacher Exploring the Idea of Stability

Teacher Exploring the Idea of Stability

Suzane and her class contrasted the stability of three types of structures.

Teacher Exploring the Idea of Stability

Teacher Exploring the Idea of Stability

Wanda explained to a child ways to reinforce the stability of a structure.

Children Demonstrating their Understanding

Children Demonstrating their Understanding

Children demonstrating their concept of stable structure by reinforcing the building with a solid foundation.

Children Demonstrating their Understanding

Suzane asked the children to build both a stable and unstable structure. Suzane then prompted the children to test their structures by shaking the table, predicting which one would stand, which would fall, and why. She was evaluating children’s understanding of Structure Function.

Teacher Reinforcing Children’s Understanding

Teacher Reinforcing Children’s Understanding

Heidi translates the Three Little Pigs into an engineering design problem: what materials can withstand the force of wind from the Big Bad Wolf.

Teacher Reinforcing Children’s Understanding

In Heidi’s class, block experiences and their exposure to a house being built in the neighborhood reinforced children’s understanding of the relationship between structure and function.